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tv   Fast Money Halftime Report  CNBC  April 19, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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dzhokhar went to cambridge rindge latin. friends who went to school with him say he was a bright, young man. rindge latin was an elite school in cambridge. dartmouth is being searched now and folks are told to leave there under an abundance of caution. his uncle spoke with reporters recently and when asked did he know them, he said he really hadn't had much contact with them in years but he says that he is ashamed and he believes that part of the motive here was that these were just disaffected young men who really never adjusted to being in the united states. listen to what he said. >> of course we're ashamed. yes, we are ashamed. they are children of my brother who had literal influence of them. so i just wanted my family be
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away from them. that's it. again, the only i say what i think was behind it, being losers. not being able to settle themselves and thereby just hating everyone who did. >> several hours after police had released their images and made them public, these young men were still in cambridge and engaged in a crime spree that started some time after 10:00 last night. first, they roped a 7-eleven it appears. after that, they confronted a police officer or were confronted by a police officer, m.i.t., 26-year-old sean collier, and he was fatally wounded. after that, they hijacked a car with a driver stopping at an atm and picked up cash and finally let him go about half an hour later and confessed to them that they had not only killed the
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police officer but they were, in fact, the marathon bombers. from there there was a chase with police another five miles down the road from watertown. along the way apparently they dumped explosive devices from the car and another police officer was also seriously injured. that officer remains hospitalized at this hour. a stop in watertown where things are on lockdown. one of them, the 26-year-old, older brother out of the car, engaged in a shoot-out and he is fatally shot. the 19-year-old manages to escape. police believe he may have come man deared another vehicle. they found that vehicle, a honda crv but did not find any contents inside. at this point, carl, someone million people are locked down. rails are shut down until
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further notice as is amtrack service into boston as well. they were also looking for another suspect who they believe may have hopped on an amtrack train south to connecticut but they did not find anyone on that amtrack train. the manhunt continues. dzhokhar tsarnaev is the most wanted man in america at this hour. >> thank you so much for that update. bertha coombs at headquarters. let's bring in sue herera. you've been monitoring the latest updates, too? >> yes, we have, carl. we're trying to constant pat rowan. he's a national security expert. i'm joined by my colleague, michelle caruso cabrera. we're going to be live on the set for 12:00 to 2:00. our team coverage continues. we're going to go to our own brian shactman who is live at new york's penn station. brian, michelle and i were
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talking about this third accomplice who apparently boarded a train south. what are the security issues in penn station right now? is security being ramped up, from what you see? >> yeah. i actually spent time inside. i've traveled through penn station. they also have national guard and police presence. it is absolutely stepped up. it almost feels like double the amount. in terms of foot traffic, there is crowding but not like you would usually expect on a friday at penn station. i talked to a few people trying to get to providence, rhode island, and don't quite know what to do and there's been confusion about transportation. they have said that all train service from providence to boston is shut indefinitely and they have said nothing about new york, you know, through to providence. i got amtrack on the to into clarify that for me and it's really to new haven.
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you can get a train to new haven and then you are on your own. the train headed toward new york from boston originated at 6:00 a.m., stopped about 9:30 at norwalk, connecticut, it was searched and they didn't find anything and amtrack says they are basically at the mercy of officials. when they say they can start again, they will. they are helping people reroute because a lot of people at penn station are trying to get into new england who can't right now. >> brian shactman, thank you very much. let's go now to scott cohn right now in watertown, massachusetts. over to you. >> sue, there's been focus all morning on the area that's behind me. it's a neighborhood full of a lot of smaller, single family homes and some public housing as well. i'm going to be no more specific about that as far as the location is concerned. we have indication that there's been some activity there. i'm going to hold off on exactly what it is until we can confirm
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it further. but for quite a while the police helicopter that had been circling fairly low for much of the morning was hovering high up in this area about half a mile behind me. it seems to have moved on now and it's also may have something to do with the fact that the winds have kicked up. i'll not certain about that. all sorts of police activity and also the military, national guard and others have been moving in and replacing police in some instances and in some of the areas it feels like they are moving in for the long haul with port-a-potties and salvation army truck and things like that to feed people as if we may be here for a while and there also have been some officers that have, for lack of a better term, look like they are coming off of a shift, walking around without a great deal of urgency but then you'll see a whole bunch of cars like the ones going back behind me that go off at great speed toward that neighborhood behind me, which has been the subject
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or focus of the activity for quite some time. >> scott cohn, thank you very much for that. our scott cohn in boston with the latest. i want to bring in melissa. she's a harvard university grad student. she lives in somerville and i believe she joins us on the phone. melissa, good morning to you. >> caller: hi, how are you? >> good. i assume you've been able to keep up to date, watching tv, being on the web. the way that police are staging, you guys could be there for a while. what are you guys prepared for? >> we're expecting to stay in for the long haul, we don't know how long it will be. we've been told by the harvard campus that we should stay it inside for as long as possible until they tell us otherwise. we have food and water and we're just planning to stay here. >> obviously a lot of pictures show incredible law enforcement activity but you also say the rest of the city is like a
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ghost town. >> yes. >> can you give us a sense of what it feels like, sounds like to be there. >> yes. outside it's empty, based on what we can see outside of our window. i've heard sirens since i went to bed at 3:00 and this morning when i woke up. it's very surreal. i live a few blocks from the suspect's home and within a few miles of watertown. so it is very close. >> so what goes through your head, melissa, as you sit there and you watch and you wait? how do you feel? >> you know, i'm a little anxious. it's hard to tell what's happening, what is accurate. we've been listening to the police giving us the most current information and we've been watching local news. but with twitter and everything, who knows what is real and what's really happening.
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when we hear sirens, that real. it's a little disconcerting. after everything that went on on monday, we were very scared and things started to feel normal the last day or so. >> melissa, the police reported this morning that one of the potential explosive devices was planted near charlesgate. obviously that's very close to harvard. >> uh-huh. >> what has the communication been like about any impending danger and what you're doing in the face of that? >> we've been receiving alerts from harvard via text message and e-mail as well as letters from the president's office basically just telling us to stay inside the campus has been closed and saying stay where you are, don't leave.
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but they have been communicating regularly and updating the website as well. >> melissa, thanks for taking a couple moments with us. >> thank you. >> melissa n ocozell at harvard. sue? >> thank you, carl. here with us is mitch silver. he used to oversee the new york police department, the counter intelligence, counterterrorism. thanks for joining us. it appears there's a big focus on the city or town of watertown in massachusetts where there's an ongoing manhunt it appears there. there's also concern about an individual bho perhawho perhaps on a train. >> one of the questions that i've been wondering is whether it's just two individuals or
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co-conspirators, people who may have helped them build these devices, who may have provided shelter for them, who may be involved with helping them get away. so i think that the fact that there's now another individual involved potentially on a train is something that the authorities were concerned and expected. >> does it indicate, perhaps, that these two individuals or three individuals might have been influenced by a larger organization perhaps overseas or the common theory right now is that they simply did not asimula asimulate well into the united states. what is more logical? >> we've seen both of those. we've seen second generation individuals who seem like they were simulating well and being a part of american society, on the high school football team, they were the president of the class at some point took this deviation and path and got radicalized here in new york, in boston, somewhere in the united states. we've also seen situations where
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people just like that have decided to travel overseas because they were concerned about what was going on in afghanistan and somalia, chechnya and some of those people have come back. we're still learning about these two brothers and their travel patterns. did they go overseas and did that influence them? >> the older brother, 26 now dead, arrived when he was 16 or 17. most of his formative years overseas. the 19-year-old, he arrived when he was about 9. those who knew him describe him as having been raised in the american school system. shock should someone be who spent their time in the u.s., when you come as an immigrant family, the freedoms here and economic prosperity that happens here would prevent this kind of thing but it doesn't seem to have happened. >> we've seen it time and time
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again in europe and canada and to a lesser degree we've seen it in the united states and fortunately they have not been successful. we saw a plot against ft. dicks in new jersey and they were refugees from the balkans, from the civil war there. there was a plot in 2009 against the new york city subway, suicide bombers and they were brought up in queens, new york, played on the high school football team, also living the american dream. >> very quickly, before we let you go, should that then be the focus of u.s. authorities and homeland security, more so than what i think most americans fear, which is terrorism from overseas? should we now be focused much more on domestic terrorism, home-grown terrorism? >> i wouldn't say much more but in new york city we've been focused on this since 2007 and sort of rang the bell on this each but just because bin laden has been taken off the
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battlefield, we can't take our threat off of overseas but here as well. >> don't go anywhere. we'll be back after a very quick break. we'll continue our live and developing coverage of the situation in massachusetts. [ male announcer ] ok, here's the way the system works. let's say you pay your guy around 2% to manage your money. that's not much you think. except it's 2% every year. does that make a difference? search "cost of financial advisors"
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here in a city that has been locked down has picked up moments again in this staging area where i am standing, a group of military choppers came overhead and circled the area in a day of surreal images where one of these choppers landed on the roof of the best buy over here in this mall where we are standing. the level of activity among law enforcement has picked up. a number of truckloads of police state troopers and other military officials have come through here. we are just now being swept again for security purposes by the state troopers.
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that tells me that the news briefing we have been expecting may be getting under way here soon. we may get more answers to the questions that we've had as we've watched the level of activity pick up here a little bit. do they have a suspect in custody? if not, what can they tell us about where they are focusing right now. >> bill griffeth, thank you so much. we'll join you in a few minutes. >> joining us, an investigative reporter who has breaking details on the travel patterns of the two suspects. jonathan? >> one of the suspects, tamerlan tsarnaev flew out of the country for six months and they want to know whether that was to visit for family in russia or whether he went for terror training during that time. the documents we obtained show that he departed on january 12th, 2012, for russia and
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returned to the united states in july of 2012, on july 17th, a six-month gap that he was out of the country and investigators want to try to figure out whether he received any sort of military or terror training while he was overseas. this is the suspect who was killed during the standoff overnight and he was wearing the black hat in the video surveillance tapes. it was only this morning at 6:29 a.m. that he was put on a watch list given the identification and what apparently took law enforcement to put the photos out and get an i.d. so this morning he was relabeled as a person who may pose a threat on his travel records. his brother, who they continue to try to track down, the man in
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the white hat allegedly planting the backpack bomb on videotape, it was also this morning that he has been leabeled or known associate and facilitators and family members. that's what we're trying to find out more about, whether that's routine in these sorts of documents or whether, as we see by the enormous manhunt and operations that are under way across the northeast, whether they had any associates or additional co-conspirators or accomplices. for now, we're obama for sure of the two, the one deceased brother and the one that they are looking for. but the investigation is clearly widespread right now. >> there are often photos associated with travel documents when it comes to tamerlan. have you seen anything? what did he look like?
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>> the documents what we've been shown shows him bearded and somewhat reledigious looking if you will. and youtube page where he apparently, according to mike isikoff, posted some jihadist-type, al qaeda-type videos on his own personal youtube page. i brielieve nbc is working to confirm that it's legitimate and it was put up by him. but they are still working to get 100% confirmation but several of the news organizations say that they confirmed that site. >> clearly the photos released by the fbi, he's not bearded. either at some point keeping the beard in order to hide his identity in the future, making it more difficult for people to locate him would be a logical way to think.
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no? >> i don't want to speculate as to why bearded now and not bearded there. these guys were in the united states for numerous years. their family came, claimed asylum. one of those brothers became a naturalized citizen. the other one under legal status. so no question that they entered the court legally, properly. the problem is, what did they do when they came here? one final note, just ironic, the suspect in the white hat, september 11th, 2012, that's when his citizenship went through. >> joining us now is former inspector general of the u.s. departments home land security. he joins us on the phone. what do you make of what jonathan dienst just said, sir? >> well, the department of
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homeland security has access to the documents that will show the travel patterns of the dead suspect. so they are combing through the travel records to see if there were other travels by all three of them or anybody else who might have been connected to this to parts of the world known to be terror training areas furthermore, there is citizenship and immigration services. as was just pointed out, we know that these two came to the united states legally. there are immigration papers that will give further detail. furthermore, they are, working with federal, state, and local and with the intelligence community to comb through the huge amount of data reports streaming in to see if there was anything that might have been missed pointing to this plot,
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pointing to these three people, associates that these three people might have had and so the department of homeland security is, needless to say, very busy right now. >> clark, would they also be looking at money flows? i ask this because the family came to the united states and sought asylum in the united states. yet, if you look at the younger brother, the schools that they went to were relatively elite and expensive. do they look at money flow and whether or not perhaps that family or the brothers were being funded from outside the united states? >> well, it's a very good question and the answer to it is yes. most people don't realize it, two things about the secret service, one, they don't just protect the president and other senior officials, it also has a function with regard to finances, money laundering in particular and not just money laundering but suspicious flows of finances into and out of the united states. so, yes, that's going to be part of this investigation. no question. >> all right. mr. ervin, thank you so much for
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joining us on the phone. we really appreciate it. clark ervin, collector of the aspen institution homeland security program. >> we understand that the dead bomber, older bomber traveled for six months last year to moscow. let's go live to jeff cutmore who is standing by. he's anchor of the "squawk box" europe program. what are you able to update us on? >> well, simon, i think we've all sat here in moscow and have watched with be musment here, quite frankly, because people are asking if this is a chechen connection and wrapped into the north separatist movements and has perpetrated attacks.
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we had an airport bombing in 2011 and before that an attack on the subway system and then going way back, of course, the horrific school attack where 380 people died. the difficult part is to draw a connection between these brothers and current terrorist cells that are still fighting the separatist chechen cause and that's what we are trying to find out from russian officials here. we know that president putin has expressed his condolences but these brothers did not register themselves in the united states. the russian authorities in the united states have no record over the last decade of them being present in the united states. so as far as they were concerned, these were not people that they had any particular interest in. the russian authorities have pledged their support for investigations that are going on currently. so whether at this moment there
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is some intelligence sharing and that is maybe uncover some connections, that's speculation at this stage here. but people would be very surprised, i think, to see a significant chechen connection right now, given that there is no past track record of any chechen terrorist activities taking mace outside the russian federation, simon. >> and that is the point. you can understand why the chechens were bombing russia because they fought two wars for independence. why would they bomb, if it is chechen, on the streets of boston, jeff? >> you know, you're making very vague connections here. yes, we know this is a mostly muslim region that these brothers hail from. we know also that there has been some postings on websites,
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russian websites, social networking sites apparently there have been comments and statements that support pro islamic terrorist activity. but it's a long to stage it back to the separatist movement. so we're watching from moscow to see where this manhunt goes and whether there is going to be any new intelligence breakthrough that can connect russia to these brothers that seemed to have left -- >> jeff? it's michelle here in the studio. we should highlight this comes at a time when russian-u.s. relationships are and now a tit for tat back and forth between the two countries. we don't get any indication that
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that would inhibit them from helping us in this investigation here in the united states, do we? >> i think you make a very good point there and we have seen a new low in the level of relations but president putin was very quick to come out and condemn this terrorist activity. in fact, there was an ice hockey -- a youth ice hockey game between the united states and russia just yesterday and president putin in the opening called for a minute silence at that event and said, let us remember the disgusting act -- he used that term, disgusting act that has taken place in the united states and express our condolences with those people who have suffered and with president obama. i think there are many, many issues on which washington and moscow cannot agree but i think fighting terrorism and, in particular, islamic terrorism,
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is one where they are very much on the same page. so the bit, as i say, that we are hoping to find out here is, is there some intelligent sharing at this stage going on that may fill in some of the backstory about the elder brother's visit back to russia. who did he meet? who did he see? does it have any relevance at all what he was doing in moscow to what has happened in the united states? let me send it back to you. >> all right, jeff. thank you very much. i'll take it. joining us on the phone is larry johnson from berg associates. he served in the cia in the office of counterterrorism at the u.s. department. talk about the possibility of a chechen connection. does that ring true to you and, if so, give me your thoughts on how the united states should pursue that connection to the point that jeff cutmore brought up with the connection to the russians? >> i don't think it's even
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suspected. i think it is clear that there's a chechen connection. do you mean that the separatist groups and activists there, i would say no. i would say the exact opposite of that. i suspect these two are more along the lines of a major nidal hasan who carried out the attacks through the internet and it's clear with the older brother, tamerlan traveling to russia, i suspect it was he went down into his -- where he has relatives and received training. he was gone for six months last year. we saw that bombing on monday, i would call it tactically sophisticated, strategically stupid. what i mean by that, it shows that they had done proper reconnaissance, they were able to build effective devices to detonate in a short period of time and able to move and integrate themselves into the
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crowd without drawing attention. but strategically stupid because the kind of weight of international law enforcement and military power that's brought down upon them is something clearly they didn't anticipate and they didn't even have a good escape plan. >> do you think they acted alone? >> no. i think they had a support network. i don't think that they were necessarily responding to some devious mastermind overseas directing them to do this but i don't think that they necessarily ran this up a chain of command and said, hey, we're thinking about putting a bomb at the boston marathon because anybody trying to use terrorism from a strategic standpoint in order to achieve either some recognition or some media political objective, all the bombing civilians at a boston marathon, all that's going to do is frankly enrage folks. >> larry, when you were at the cia, how hopeful -- we're
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waiting for governor deval patrick to speak. it's going to happen any second. how responsible were the russians when you were with the cia? were they helpful? and we may have to interrupt you. >> that was the good old days of the cold war. >> and i do have to interrupt you. let's listen to massachusetts gob!vernor deval patrick. >> i'm here with the chief of the watertown police force, chief devoe. we're not taking questions. i'm sorry. i know you have many. first of all, we all want to thank the members of the public who have respected our request to stay indoors. we know what an inconvenience it is in watertown and in cambridge in particular but really throughout the areas that we've asked -- where we've asked for this. it's been enormously important and helpful to the many, many law enforcement who are trying to do their job and we thank all
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of you for helping to get that message out. the stay indoor request continues for the time being. that is unchanged. there are continuing developments in the investigation, which we will be able to talk about not now, but later. but it is important that folks remain indoors and not open the door unless there is a uniform-identified law enforcement officer on the other side of it requesting to come inside. i think that's all. i want to offer mr. mayor. >> thank you, governor. thank you for your patience. the state police, boston police, the national guys, the local, i'm very proud of what they have done in the last couple of days and also the citizens of the
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community. like the governor said, identify a public safety official and go forward and for the next few hours we're continuing to gather information. it's the public safety job. our job is to make sure that public safety as best we can. we'll keep the public informed as we get the information so be patient but as the mayor of the city of boston, we are one city. we are a community. we are a city that is not going to let the terrorist win over. we are going to continue to work hard. we're going to continue to get through this and be a stronger city as we move forward. thank you very much.
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>> good afternoon, folks. i'm with the massachusetts state police. i want to thank you for your patience. i know we said we'd be out here at 10:30 and we're way behind. it's indicative of the leads that we continue to run down here and things change. they change quickly and sometimes we have to change direction. i wanted to begin by saying we are progressing through this neighborhood going door to door, street to street. we're well over 60 or 70% of what we want to cover up there. we do not have any development to tell you in terms of that search up there. there has been no apprehension at this point. the second thing i want to talk about, just briefly, this afternoon there will be a controlled explosion, if you will, by some of the explosive ordinance folks over in
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cambridge. that's going to happen on norfolk street at a house that we have secured earlier today. it's done out of an abundance of caution. it's done for the safety of the law enforcement officials that are over there before they proceed a search of that premise. that will be happening this afternoon as well. our plan at this point is we are going to continue following up in that neighborhood. we've got several other new leads that just developed within the last few minutes and we're working on that and i will be back here, i hope, within an hour or slightly above that to give you the next briefing. should we have any development between now and then, we'll be back even sooner. i want to turn it over to chief devoe from watertown. >> thank you, colonel. i want to thank the media. there's been a lot of heroic action in the last few days, what happened last night and this morning and over the last couple of days, as everybody knows.
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but i also want to speak to the watertown community. you've done great. we've done everything we've asked. but we need some more time. you have to stay in your homes. stay in place. we still have some work to do. even after we clear the area, there's a major crime scene down there that's going to take some time. i've been assured from all of the gentlemen behind me, they are not going to leave until the town is safe. it may go tomorrow, over the weekend before we have the crime scene under control. the watertown community has always stood strong and i've asked them to do that and they've done terrific. i want to thank them. >> thank you, folks. >> thank you. >> all right. you've been listening to the various officials, including the governor giving us an update on where things stand. we do want to let you know that amtrack has now suspended service on the northeast corridor between boston and new york city. so there is absolutely no train service between new york city
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and boston. let's go to bill griffeth. he's on the ground in watertown, massachusetts. he was at the news conference. bill, they were talking about a controlled explosion which will take place later this afternoon. >> yeah. i mean, all of these are clues. they are not giving us the full picture but it's pretty clear they don't have a suspect. they are still going door to door here in watertown. they are 60 to 70% through that process right now and the fear has been, since this morning when they found that unexploded device in the charleston area of boston that there may be other booby-trapped areas and that may be one right now that they have in that home that the chief just talked about. so, you know, we're still trying to read between the lines here. we have to be patient. they are doing their jobs. they are getting leads by the minute and they are having to pursue them as we go and that may explain a lot of the ebb and
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flow of activity that we see of law enforcement. they go hither and beyond. we had the military choppers that landed right here in this strip mall shopping center in watertown. you've had s.w.a.t. teams come and go, bomb squads come and go, ambulances with the lights on come and go. it is unclear to the inth degree what is going on but we can say definitively, they are still searching in this town that is in lockdown. guys? >> thank you, bill. >> simon? >> 60 to 70% of that search is completed. you are watching the live coverage of the manhunt for dzhokhar tsarni.
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you're watching special live coverage on cnbc. i'm in watertown, massachusetts, the site of an intense manhunt that spreads throughout the area
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as authorities continue to look for dzhokhar tsarnaev believed to be one of the brothers who struck on monday. the chase began in cambridge, massachusetts. tamerlan and his brother shooting a campus police officer and then leading police officers on a chase, throwing explosive devices out of a car of a hijacked suv, coming here to watertown and the shoot-out continues and a crime scene that police say could take days to process. and what they are now doing, as you heard a short time ago,s is continuing to methodically search. they say they've got 60 to 70% of the area they want to cover. so they are still asking residents throughout this area to shelter in place, as it were, to stay put, don't go out, don't answer the door unless you're
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sure it's a police officer. about half a mile or so behind me and on the other side of that neighborhood is bill griffeth and the held cicopters flying l and then on the ground authorities -- police, military, national guard officials from all over the place carrying out this methodical search, canine units and the like. it ebbs and flows as they continue to search. there's been considerable police activity in the neighborhood behind me but police say they have not apprehended the person that they want. sue? >> scott cohn, thank you very much. michelle? >> joining us now is david abel of the "boston globe." thank you very much for joining
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us. all right. apparently he is not good at this point. we're going to get him checked in here in just a second. >> it strikes me that they do seem to be making progress with 60% of the area canvassed. however, if you're one of those residents, it must be an incredibly frightening time right now. you're supposed to shelter in place, as scott just reported. but it may take them some time to get through the rest of that neighborhood. >> yeah. what sue is referring to is we heard a news conference and the police chief outlined that they had made progress of 60 to 70% of the area that they are trying to search at this point. he indicated that some of the individuals in that area who live in the area may not be able to get into their homes until sometime throughout the weekend. they are obviously being extremely diligent and careful. >> and once again, a reminder that there is no train service. amtrack has canceled train service, shut it down, between boston and new york city out of an abundance of caution because, of course as we know, they are looking for a third person that
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they want to question in the boston marathon bombing. we're going to take a quick break and then michelle and i will be back and simon will be back with us in just a few moments. families and businesses is our business. we've reduced taxes and lowered costs to save businesses more than two billion dollars to grow jobs, cut middle class income taxes to the lowest rate in sixty years, and we're creating tax free zones for business startups. the new new york is working creating tens of thousands of new businesses, and we're just getting started. to grow or start your business visit (announcer) at scottrade, our cexactly how they want.t with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me.
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boston globe" and he's just visited the home of the slain m.i.t. officer, 26-year-old sean collier. he joins us on the phone. it must be a very difficult dav >> absolutely. i just had an opportunity to interview the roommate of the fallen mit officer. through tears he talked about what a brave and good young officer sean collier was. he was being described as a guy who always goes and tries to help other people. >> do we know how long he was with mit. you look at this photo and it strikes everyone how young he looks. >> what i know .
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>> i think it has been since january of 2012 with the mit campus police. i believe he spent some time at the mit museum as an officer in charge there. and he was slated in the next few months to be hired -- re-hired as a police officer. >> did his neighbors know him well? >> i have spoken to a few neighbors and the neighbors that knew him just described him as a lovely, kind young man .
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>> heartbreak situation. thank you so much for joining us in our coverage today. >> okay. >> once again shs cnbc continuing live coverage in the situation in massachusetts. we will take a quick break and be right back. help you see your big picture. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary, you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity's analytics to spot trends, gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. all in one place. i'm meredith stoddard and i helped create the fidelity guided portfolio summary. it's one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account.
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>> you're watching live coverage
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of the manhunt for the second of the two what we believe boston bombers, the one that still lives. we have an investigator on the line right now. the police are widening to try to find the co-collaborators. we have rorts of a heavy fbi presence. is that typical that you widen the net as you hunt for the single figure?
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>> the first thing they did is look at cell phone and cell phone activity and try to determine if there were other co-conspirators. they have identify ed ied.
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>> where they may be forced into a hostage situation and have to barricade themselveses with this individual. for law enforcement people, someone who has a body bomb on them is a person that you simply cannot -- you cannot trust them not to detonate that device and therefore that person has to be neutralized immediately as soon as that is recognized. >> in the meantime the governor has told us there have been developments that he will talk about later. ♪ there'll be the usual presentations on research. and development. some new members of the team will be introduced. the chairman emeritus will distribute his usual wisdom. and you? well, you're the chief life officer. you just need the right professional to help you take charge. ♪
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